Music Ministries
At Forest Heights UMC, we consider music an integral part of the worship experience. Congregational hymns are carefully selected to complement the scripture selections and sermons. We believe that the experience of music, both through tunes and words, are offerings of praise and worship in which all can participate. In addition to the hymns, choirs, ensembles, and soloists offer special music each week.
The chancel choir prepares and presents musical selections during Sunday morning worship services. The choir also offers special music, such as the Christmas cantata, to add to the worship experience of those who attend the services at Forest Heights. The choir rehearses on Wednesday nights at 6:00 p.m. and is open to anyone who is interested in singing.
The handbell choir at Forest Heights is the newest musical group at the church. Rehearsal is held each Wednesday at 5:00 p.m. to prepare selections for morning worship services.
Soloists and ensembles are encouraged to share their musical gifts with the congregation. Some, such as the Tapestry women’s ensemble, are composed of those who are church members or regular attendees. Others, such as the Men’s Quartet, include members of Forest Heights as well as members of other churches. Guest soloists, vocal and instrumental, are also invited to share their music as acts of worship in our services.